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Healthgen Biotech announces new innovation ---- OsrbFGF

人阅读 发布时间:2012-09-13 10:59

Healthgen Biotech announces new innovation ---- " Recombinant Human basic Fibroblast Growth Factor "

Recombinant Human basic Fibroblast Growth Factor is derived from rice! Are you kidding? NO! Recently , Healthgen Biotech announced that they have successfully expressed the third protein product by utilizing the OryzHiExp platform. This new innovation is animal-free and has entered into the global biopharmaceutical market.Healthgen Biotech always perform their commitment: To provide environment-friendly, safe, cost-effective, and sufficient biopharmaceutical products for people all over the world.
Basic fibroblast growth factor is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family.
Recombinant Human basic Fibroblast Growth Factor(OsrbFGF)is produced in Rice Grain, which possesses broad mitogenic and cell survival activities, and is involved in a variety of biological processes, including embryonic development, cell growth, morphogenesis, tissue repair, tumor growth and invasion. This protein functions as a modifier of endothelial cell migration and proliferation, as well as an angiogenic factor. It acts as a mitogen for a variety of mesoderm- and neuroectoderm-derived cells in vitro, thus is thought to be involved in organogenesis.Three alternatively spliced variants encoding different isoforms have been described. The heparin-binding growth factors are angiogenic agents in vivo and are potent mitogens for a variety of cell types in vitro.

OsrbFGF Applications:
Medicine and clinical research:
It is considered to function in several important physiological and pathological processes, such as embryonic development, morphogenesis, angiogenesis, wound healing and atheromatosis, carcinogenesis, development, and invasion of cancer.
Cell culture research:
bFGF is required for the maintenance of human embryonic stem cells in culture, and various other stem cell lines such as mesenchymal stem (stroma) cells (MSC).
bFGF is necessary for the cells to remain in an undifferentiated state, although the mechanisms by which it does this are poorly defined. It has been demonstrated to induce gremlin expression which in turn is known to inhibit the induction of differentiation by bone morphogenetic proteins. It is also necessary in mouse-feeder cell dependent culture systems, as well as in feeder and serum-free culture systems.
Cosmetic raw material:
a) Cosmetics for wrinkle repair and improvement of skin functions.
It acts as the factor to keep the acid balance in and out of the skin, restore the aged tissues and cares the wound. Thus, it is essential element for keeping the body to the optimal conditions.
b) Restoration to the normal skin after peeling for the cosmetic purpose.
c) Acceleration of hair growth.
It accelerates the hair growth by improving the synthesis of Collagen and Elastin. It also inhibits the discoloration of hair. In addition, it improves the skin resilience and repairs wrinkle.

More information, welcome to the website of Healthgen Biotech:   www.oryzogen.net 


关于举办2012年湖北生物产业发展高端论坛 暨植物生物医药光谷论坛的第三轮通知


关于举办2012年湖北生物产业发展高端论坛 暨植物生物医药光谷论坛的第二轮通知




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